Triumph After Trauma

Your Body Gives You Clues with Ruby Ali

Episode Summary

Excessive childhood neglect and various forms of abuse, caused severe physical pain for Ruby Ali. Traditional medicine never helped her and often made things worse. All the while, her body was giving her clues.

Episode Notes

 Ruby missed out on receiving her mother's love, being passed around from family to family and cast aside by her biological father. When she was old enough to speak for herself,  she began to take her health into her own care. Taking the responsibility upon herself to relieve her pain and recover from her childhood trauma, she has dedicated her life to healing others.

After years of education to discover successful methods for healing her poor health, Ruby studied gut health, leading her to functional medicine and dietetics. She completed her training at Cleveland Clinic, the Center of Functional Medicine, at the Institute of Functional Medicine, and the 'School of Life.' Also, as a transformational coach, she specializes in helping people get to the root of their health issues. By focusing on gut health, hormonal health, and emotional health, they can live fully with vitality and happiness.

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