Triumph After Trauma

Self-Love & Purpose with Rev. Cheryl Sosnowski

Episode Summary

Look for the most obvious thing in front of you and you will find your purpose. It does not matter that Cheryl experienced childhood sexual abuse, lived on the streets at age 13, and had given up on life by age 21. She is living her dreams and an abundant, purposeful life.

Episode Notes

Dare to dream! That was a far-fetched thought for Rev. Cheryl Sosnowski. After having left home at 13 and finding herself utterly alone, she had no idea that she could ever find herself in a state of complete bliss and joy. Cheryl takes us on her traumatic and triumphant journey of connecting with herself and falling in love with her whole self, including her past, to finding her super-powers and becoming a healer.

Cheryl's story is more than the tragedies. It is being forced to face reality while missing a key part of this life journey: awareness, expression, and acknowledgement of emotions. She now serves others through creative art expression, metaphysical healing, sound baths, mindfulness as a Mindful Exercises Meditation Teacher, an MBSR-T mindfulness trainer, and Gene Keys practitioner.

Connect with Rev. Cheryl Sosnowski:


Podcast: The Powerful Creator Show

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Facebook Group: Triumph After Trauma