Triumph After Trauma

I Am Stormy Rose: The Significance of a Name with Stormy Rose King

Episode Summary

Her name was taken from her. A child in the Foster Care System, her name was not even her own. Stormy Rose King takes us on her journey, a child living in 28 different foster homes and many years later coming to know who she is and loving everything about her.

Episode Notes

Stormy Rose was not always her name. Even though she was born with this name, 'the system' told her she couldn't have that name and that she must change it. The stability in her life was nonexistent, so how could changing the only thing that was constant in your life be so devastating to an 11 year old?  That's just it. Her name was the only stable thing in her life.

The journey of being in the Foster Care System was tough and difficult. Moving around from home to home, being taken advantage of, being taken for granted, missing out on being adopted through 3 failed adoption attempts would make someone want to give up. Stormy had different plans. She was going to show everyone that she could excel and outshine anyone else. And, she did. However, it came with a price.

One particular circumstance forced Stormy to realize that her identity and her name meant more to her than top executive status, the big house, or the luxury cars, she finally became free and came to terms with what happiness really is.